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Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) is a public service by dedicated amateur radio operators that provides communications personnel to government agencies in times of extraordinary need. During periods of activation, RACES personnel are called upon to perform many tasks for the cities of Los Alamitos and Seal Beach (including Rossmoor and Leisure World). Although the exact nature of each activation will be different, the common thread is communications.

Los Alamitos/Seal Beach RACES is administered by the Los Alamitos and Seal Beach Police Departments, and consists of a group of about 40 FCC licensed amateur radio operators.

RACES provides a pool of emergency communications personnel that can be called on in a time of need. RACES operations include two main areas: emergency message handling on Amateur Radio Service frequencies, and observing and reporting on local conditions during an emergency.

Message handling typically involves messages between critical location such as hospitals, emergency services, emergency shelters, and any other locations where communication is needed. Observing and reporting typically involves passing data to the Los Alamitos Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on neighborhood conditions.

Other tasks that RACES personnel are involved with may not involve amateur radio communications. For example, RACES communicators may become involved in public safety or other government communications, EOC staffing, and emergency equipment repair.

Los Alamitos/Seal Beach RACES personnel develop and maintain their communications ability by training, bimonthly meetings, special exercises and public service events. For example, Los Alamitos/Seal Beach RACES supports the Los Alamitos 10k Run each year. When an emergency occurs, RACES will be there.

If you are a licensed amateur radio operator and are interested in Los Alamitos/Seal Beach RACES you can:

  • Check-in on our weekly net held each Wednesday night at 8:00 P.M. on 446.400 (-), PL 88.5.
  • Leave a voice mail with Lt. Tim Olson of the Seal Beach Police Dept. at 562-799-4100, ext. 127.
  • Send an e-mail to the Los Alamitos RACES Radio Officer at k6jhu@arrl.net.
  • Ask about attending our bimonthly meetings, held the 2nd Wednesday of odd numbered months.

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3201 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos, CA  90720  |  562-431-2255 Business  |  562-594-7232 24-Hour Police Service  |  9-1-1 EMERGENCY
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