Michael R. McCrary, Chief of Police

3201 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos, CA  90720  |  Business (562) 431-2255  |  24-Hour Police Service/Dispatch (562) 594-7232  |  EMERGENCY 9-1-1

September 9, 2006 at 1:00 P.M.

False Rumors Regarding 15 Sex Offender Registrants

During the past 24 hours, a false rumor has been circulating in the City of Los Alamitos that 15 sex offender registrants took residence in a local hotel/motel.  The information was forwarded to the police department after an individual began circulating the information to local residents.  An investigation was conducted by patrol officers and the information was found to be false.  Our most recent information indicates there are no registered sex offenders currently residing at the location. 

The City, the Police Department, and the School District have received inquiries regarding this false rumor.  The Los Alamitos Police Department has investigated these claims and found no credible evidence to substantiate the information.

For information regarding sex crime offenders, please see the California Attorney General website (www.ag.ca.gov) and link to Megan’s Law (www.meganslaw.ca.gov).  There you will find information regarding the Megan’s Law database which is accessible to the public, protecting yourself and your family, facts about sex offenders, sex offender registration, and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) area.