3201 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 | Business (562) 431-2255 | 24-Hour Police Service/Dispatch (562) 594-7232 | EMERGENCY 9-1-1 |
February 12, 2006
at 7:00 a.m. Laptop Thefts Recently, the City of Los Alamitos and neighboring communities have experienced a number of thefts where the target has been laptop computers. These crimes have been from business locations and from vehicles in various locations in the city. The only consistent pattern identified is that the computers have been visible from outside of the business or vehicle. In some cases, the computers have been in carrying cases however these cases are consistent in size and shape with laptop computers. To help prevent these thefts, please obscure the presence of laptop computers and other expensive business equipment inside your business, and especially when transporting these devices in your vehicle. It is suggested that these devices be hidden or secured out of sight prior to your arrival, as occasionally thieves may keep a parking lot under observation to identify potential theft targets. Even if you intend to leave your vehicle "for a minute," that can be all it takes for a criminal to smash your window and take your property. These crimes usually involve window smashes with nearby objects (rocks, bricks, etc.) and are not sophisticated in nature. They are more consistent with random acts of criminal opportunity. If you have information regarding these thefts, please telephone our 24-hour service number, (562) 594-7232. |