United States of America  |  State of California  |  County of Orange  |  City of Los Alamitos






The LAW has come (BACK) to Town... Los Al Watch!

The Police Department is proud to announce it is expanding and updating The LAW-Los Al Watch. Recognizing changes in technology since the program was started in 2003; the updated version will utilize a new range of social media in hopes of disseminating information to a technologically evolving population. Using Web applications to post timely information on Twitter, Facebook, our Department website, and distributing electronic mail, information can be posted more expediently with fewer staff resources to reach and inform a broader segment of its community.

The LAW is intended to enhance communication with the community, with a goal of strengthening police - community partnerships by creating a time efficient method for receipt of  information. Participants can expect to receive "Tweets," posts, or email focused on crime and fraud prevention, police activity, and current community topics as well as providing a notification process for upcoming local meetings and special events. The Los Alamitos Police Department invites everyone who lives, works, or is involved with schools in Los Alamitos to sign-up for The LAW-Los Al Watch.

The LAW-Los Al Watch is not the same as or a replacement for, Alert OC, the emergency mass notification system utilized by the City of Los Alamitos. Please see their website for more information and be sure to sign-up there, as well.

The prior version of The LAW utilized a listserv to email information to its subscribers. It provided a mechanism for individuals to sign up for a specific neighborhood or interest group such as businesses or schools. Although the new version of the LAW will not have the same specificity, it is anticipated that this means of communication will reach a larger audience by using popular social media applications. The trade-off that exists, however, allows us to utilize updated opt-in/confirmation technology to combat spam and offers individuals and families a variety of options for receiving Department information.

Today's families are on the go and time is precious. It is the Police Department's hope that important information can be disseminated to the members of our community regularly so that it can be read and acted upon - on your schedule. This method is not designed to replace neighborhood meetings if they are desired by the residents, but is meant to enhance the communication and partnership between residents and their Police Department. 

Join The LAW-Los Al Watch here.



Gen-3, 106

3201 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos, CA  90720  |  562-431-2255 Business  |  562-594-7232 24-Hour Police Service  |  9-1-1 EMERGENCY
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