AL WATCH What are the Differences in the Services The chart below compares the services available through The LAW-Los Al Watch and Alert OC. One way to consider the two systems is to remember that Alert OC is designed to be utilized under emergency circumstances in a time sensitive manner. The LAW-Los Al Watch is intended to enhance our communication efforts in non-emergency circumstances. It is suggested that everyone sign-up through Alert OC for emergency notifications, and choose the most appropriate service for obtaining non-emergency information from The LAW-Los Al Watch.
Choosing any of these services is simple, and maintaining how you consume this content is left for you to control. Links to all these sites are available on the first page of www.LosAlamitosPolice.org. The Department News site is located at http://losalamitospolice.blogspot.com/ and you can choose the RSS feed for your favorite reader application. You can also choose to subscribe to our Department e-mail list here. There are opt-in controls when you add your e-mail address. Follow the directions for submission. Remember, as an added spam control, you will receive a verification e-mail which you must activate before you receive any e-mail through this service. You can choose to unsubscribe by choosing that link at the bottom of any of the e-mails you receive from The LAW. If you have a Facebook account, go here and connect to our Department page. You can choose to stop the connection at any time from your account. If you have a Twitter account, go here and choose to follow our Department. You can choose to stop following at any time from your account. Technical Issues If you have difficulty subscribing or unsubscribing or have any other technical issues related to participating in The LAW-Los Al Watch, Sgt. Sean Connolly will be able to assist with these problems. Sgt. Connolly can be reached at sconnolly@ci.los-alamitos.ca.us or (562) 431-2255 x 405.